Privacy policy



Last edited on

Feb 8, 2024

Hello, we're Tellet

Tellet is a platform that uses AI to conduct and analyse consumer research interviews. Our AI interviewer and suite of analysis tools allow our clients to draw insights for data-driven decision-making.

Tellet B.V. acts as both a data controller and a data processor. When providing a platform for our clients to conduct research interviews and analysis we act as a processor. In such instances it is our clients who determine conditions (as set out in their Privacy Statement) under which the personal data is processed as our client is the Controller and Tellet is the processor.

When handling the data of our clients for account management or marketing purposes we act as controller.

Tellet B.V. collects and processes personal data in compliance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation, the Data Protection Act 2018 and other relevant Dutch, UK and EU legislation. 

We update this Privacy Policy occasionally and when we do, we will provide you with a copy of the revised Privacy Policy or ensure it is accessible to you. 

Lawful collection

This policy outlines how we handle the personal data you give us when you participate in an online Tellet interview or engage with our products and services outside of interviews (see table below).

You might be asked to take part in a Tellet interview for one of the following reasons: 

  • You have agreed to be contacted for potential participation in future surveys by a panel provider.

  • We got your details from our client, who you might know from registering with them, using their products or services, or having dealt with them in some way.

  • A recruiter has interacted with you and shared your contact information with us.

  • You have clicked on a Tellet interview link that has been shared via email, social media or other communication platform.

Confidentiality, Security and Compliance

We've put strong technological and organisational safeguards in place to protect your personal data. We take every reasonable step to make sure your data is handled securely. All your information is stored on secure servers. However, it's important to note that no data transmission over the internet is completely secure. So, while we do our best to protect your personal data, we can't guarantee its absolute security. Any data you send is at your own risk, but once we receive it, we work hard to secure our systems.

In our studies, we combine your interview answers with those of others and report both the individual and collective responses to the client who requested the study. 

However, we might share your personal data or individual responses with third parties in specific cases:

  • If you ask us to, or give us permission to, share your identifying details or individual responses with a third party for a specific reason.

  • When we give your responses to a third-party processor who is contractually bound to keep the information confidential and use it only for research or statistical purposes.


Cookies are small text files a website puts on your computer or device. They give you a unique user ID and save information about how you browse online. Web developers use them to make websites work better and to enable certain features. When you visit a website, it sends info to your browser, which then creates a text file. Each time you return to that site, the browser shares this file with the website's server.

Functional cookies
These cookies may store the name of your browser, the type of computer, and technical information about the way in which you are connected to our sites, such as the operating system and the used internet provider, as well as other comparable information. This information is used to technically facilitate the navigation and use of the sites. In addition, technical cookies can be used to store personal settings such as language or to remember your order information on subsequent visits.

Analytical cookies

Our sites use analytical cookies that are placed by Google Analytics to measure the number of visits as well as the parts of the sites that are most popular among users. This information is used to provide aggregated and statistical information about the use of our sites and is also used to improve the content of our sites in order to enrich the user experience. Furthermore, our sites use analytical cookies to measure how you found our sites, in order to measure the effectiveness of email campaigns, advertisements, or AdWords on other third-party sites. The analytics cookies are linked to the personal data we store about you as set out above, to personalise our newsletters and for personalised advertisements on third-party sites.

However, Google may combine this data with generic data that it holds over a user and that is obtained through its other services. That is why Tellet will only use Google Analytics with your permission. Since has no control over these services, we would like to refer you to Google’s information about its services.

In addition, has signed an agreement with Google. This agreement contains agreements between Tellet (as responsible for the personal data) and Google (as processors of personal data). These agreements state the purposes for which the acquired personal data may be used, which security measures must be taken, and which forms of supervision may exercise as a controller.

Social media cookies

You may share parts of our sites on social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These social media use cookies to enable you to do this. The Privacy and Cookie Policy of does not apply to the use of such websites. We refer you to the Privacy and Cookie Policy of the relevant social media platform for information about their use of these cookies (Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn).

Delete cookies

Cookies do not store your data, such as your e-mail address or telephone number, but usually, process your IP address. If you do not want cookies to be stored on your computer or if you wish to delete cookies that have already been stored, you can send us an email. We strive to have you able to arrange this via the settings screen in your browser settings soon. Please note: once the stored cookies have been deleted, you will no longer be able to access the sites without accepting the cookies once again.

Accuracy & Updating Personal Data

We make every effort to ensure your personal data is accurate, up-to-date, complete, and relevant, using the latest information you give us. If you need to update your personal information, please get in touch using the contact details at the end of this document.

It's important for you to provide honest answers to our questions, as this helps us maintain the accuracy of your data. You're also responsible for letting us or our client (the data controller) know about any updates or changes to your personal information.

Protecting Children’s Data

We will never knowingly invite children under 18 to partake in interviews without consent. If a project requires the involvement of children under 18, we make sure to obtain permission from a responsible adult. 

Special Category Data

During our interviews, we might ask for 'special category' data. This includes details like racial or ethnic background, political views, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic or biometric data, health information, or data about sex life or sexual orientation. You always have the choice to provide or withhold this data from us.

Accessing and Managing Your Personal Data:

To access the personal data we hold about you, please send a written request to the email or postal address listed in the “How to Contact Us” section. Mention the name of the study you participated in. If you contact us from an email or contact details not on our record, please provide a copy of a valid government-issued ID, like a driver’s licence or passport.

You have several rights regarding your personal data:

  • The right to change your mind and withdraw consent.

  • The right to access your personal data.

  • The right to correct your personal data.

  • The right to have your personal data erased from our systems, unless we have a legitimate reason to continue processing it.

  • The right to transfer your personal data (data portability).

  • The right to limit how we process your personal data.

  • The right to object to our processing of your personal data.

  • The right not to face discrimination for exercising your data protection rights.

If you make a request, we'll inform any third parties, like our suppliers or service providers, to whom we've transferred your data about your request. However, we can't control how these third parties respond to your request. You might be able to access, correct, or delete your personal data directly with these third parties if it is incorrect.

Automated Decision Making

Tellet does not make decisions about data subjects based on automated processing that could have significant consequences or legal effects for data subjects.

Data Retention and Disposal:

We keep personal data only as long as needed for its lawful purpose. Once data is no longer needed, we dispose of it in a way that maintains its confidentiality.

Our company policy and sometimes legal requirements, mandate that our electronic systems are backed up and archived. These archives are kept for a set period in a secure environment. After this period, the data is permanently deleted.

How to contact us:

If you're not satisfied with how we've handled your personal data, we'd appreciate the opportunity to make things right. You can reach out to us at or by mail at Larikslaan 6, 1087 SC Amsterdam, The Netherlands, and we'll make sure someone gets in touch with you.

We take every complaint seriously and will thoroughly investigate. If your complaint is found to be valid, we'll work to resolve it. We might also update our policies and procedures to prevent similar issues for others.

For any questions or feedback, you can contact tellet's Data Protection Officer at

If you're unhappy with how we manage and safeguard personal data, you have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority. You can contact:

Privacy Policy Updates:

We regularly review and update our privacy policy as needed. The latest version is always available on this web page. We also keep track of when the policy was last revised.

Date of creation: 18/10/2023

Date of last revision: 08/02/2024