Researchers: Say yes to saying yes!

Researchers: Say yes to saying yes!

Finally, an end to swatting away research requests.

Finally, an end to swatting away research requests.

Happy male researcher
Happy male researcher
Happy male researcher
Photo of Greg Burke

Greg Burke

Published on:

May 1, 2024

Hey, researcher. We know that by your very nature, you’re curious, persistent, and always looking to learn more.

Which is why it’s so completely disheartening to keep turning down research requests from colleagues and clients. Perhaps they want to dig deeper on a particular subject, or follow up on some particularly interesting survey results. Or just settle a debate at the water cooler.

But as you know, the reality is often that time and budget constraints just won’t allow for answering questions that weren’t part of the plan. And the plan was finalised three weeks ago.

So, your research tool of choice becomes the fly swatter, batting away requests as they arrive. Not much fun. Not who you want to be.

But here’s the good news: we have a tool that’ll replace your fly swatter! Tellet is the platform that lets you conduct insight-rich qualitative studies with lead times and costs that are more like traditional quant studies.

It starts with questions you’ve written yourself, which are then asked to your participants – as many as you can muster – by an AI interviewer. Your participants respond with voice messages, answering your open-ended questions with rich detail. The AI interviewer can even ask follow-up questions based on responses, to get more information.

Afterwards, you can pick through responses one-by-one, or, since you may have hundreds, have Tellet analyse the results and pull out the insights you’re looking for. You can even use Tellet’s vectorised database to ask questions of your results that weren’t in your original survey. Now that’s a debate-settler.

We appreciate it does sound too good to be true, which is why we’d love to demo it to you (check the details below). If you like it, and we honestly think you will, you can look forward to saying yes much more often.

I’m Greg and I’m the co-founder of a new kind of research platform called Tellet. We use AI to conduct and analyse consumer research interviews for faster, deeper and more affordable insights.

Want a free trial? Book a demo with us, or drop me an email –

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