Now you’re speaking my language: Multi-lingual research.

Now you’re speaking my language: Multi-lingual research.

Hallo! Bonjour! こんにちは! Ciao! مرحبا!

Hallo! Bonjour! こんにちは! Ciao! مرحبا!

Man smiling
Man smiling
Man smiling
Photo of Greg Burke

Greg Burke

Published on:

May 17, 2024

So this thing keeps happening.

At the moment, it’s happening 4 or 5 times a day. Like clockwork, really.

We’ll be giving a demonstration of Tellet, and we get to the bit about the platform’s language capabilities.

And then their eyebrows raise.

And they almost all say the same thing.


I know people go on about AI and Large Language Models a lot, but the one area where there’s maybe not enough ‘going on’, is the potential impact of LLMs’ multilingual capabilities.

The idea of conducting a research study across multiple geographies in several languages would have brought many researchers out in a cold sweat. But Tellet is able to bridge these language gaps with ease, enabling conversations with people regardless of their native tongue.

English, Hindi, Arabic, Lithuanian, Dutch, Thai, Malay, Spanish, Korean… (I could go on). Our platform is equipped to handle them all.

But as with everything we like here at Tellet, this breakthrough isn’t just about technology being impressive; it’s also about people. It means that hard-to-reach audiences just got a little bit easier to talk to. 

We believe that listening to a broader range of voices means the products and services our clients create are more likely to be appreciated by a wider audience. At the risk of sounding like those awful AI hype merchants on LinkedIn, we do actually think that could help society. 

But before we get ahead of ourselves, we’ll focus on the task in hand: creating a platform where more opinions, perspectives and stories can be heard. 

I’m Greg and I’m the co-founder of a new kind of research platform called Tellet. We use AI to conduct and analyse consumer research interviews for faster, deeper and more affordable insights.

Want a free trial? Book a demo with us, or drop me an email –

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